
Christophe Harbour Blog

The Pavilion Hosts World Poker Tour Alpha8 Event

By admin in Events

This weekend Christophe Harbour welcomed over 20 elite poker players to The Pavilion beach club for a two day, world-class event. The WPT Alpha8 event - an exclusive series of high-stakes poker tournaments held at the most prestigious gaming resorts around the world - was action packed as many of the game's top players made the trip to our beachside private club to play in the $100,000 buy-in tournament. The tournament consisted of a few friendly faces as two of our very own founding members, Bill Perkins and Greg Whalley participated in the event.

After two days of strong play from the competitors, it was none other than recent Alpha8 London winner Philipp Gruissem who captured the title and top prize worth $1,086,400US.

Christophe Harbour thanks the WPT Alpha8 team and we look forward to hosting another event soon!

(images by Joe Giron)

Tags: poker, alpha8, pavilion, st. kitts, christophe harbour