
Christophe Harbour Blog

National Beach Clean Up Encourages Care of the Environment

By Katherine Verano in St. Kitts

The National Beach Clean Up which initially emerged as an event in commemoration of International Coastal Clean Up Day has matured into an activity designed particularly for the involvement of fourth and fifth formers.


National Beach Clean Up

Basseterre, St. Kitts, September 21, 2009 (SKNIS): The National Beach Clean Up which initially emerged as an event in commemoration of International Coastal Clean Up Day has matured into an activity designed particularly for the involvement of fourth and fifth formers.

Coordinator of the National Beach Clean Up and Conservation Officer Andy Blanchette explained that the students use the statistics generated, in partial fulfillment for CXC examinations.  He said that his department specifically targets third and fourth form students who are taking the subjects of Social Studies and Geography.  The Conservation Officer said that most of the students who take part in the Clean Up use the statistics generated to assist in their preparation of school-based assessments towards their overseas exams.  

 National Beach Clean Up

One difference with this year’s National Beach Clean Up is that mainly the coastal areas in the countryside will be cleaned.  He said that previously efforts took place on the beaches at the South East Peninsula but development activities undertaken by Christophe Harbour Company Ltd as well as the company’s own beach cleaning campaign caused the relocation.

The Coordinator of the National Beach Clean Up recognized all of the businesses who have supported the event annually, making special mention of this year’s sponsors including Christophe Harbour Development Co. Ltd. which has not only made a monetary donation but solicited volunteers from among the staff.

Blanchette informed that the St. Kitts Marriott has done similarly in the past and more than likely will do likewise this year. 

While September 19 was the date designated by Ocean Conservancy for the international observation of Coastal Clean Up Day Blanchette explained that it was not convenient for St. Kitts.  He said that the mentioned date fell on Independence Day which was also a Saturday and it would have been more difficult to get the students involved.  The Convent, Basseterre, Washington Archibald, Cayon, Verchilds and Sandy Point High students will be taking part in the coastal clean up effort. 

Conservation Officer Blanchette said that the National Beach Clean Up takes place Friday, September 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and donors or volunteers can contact him at the Department of Physical Planning and Environment at 465-2277 or 467-1055.