
Christophe Harbour Blog

Marina Taking Shape at Christophe Harbour

By Katherine Verano in Marina, Real Estate

Just a few short weeks after the groundbreaking ceremony that officially launched construction, the Christophe Harbour marina is taking shape right before our eyes! 

The Christophe Harbour team along with American Bridge and Devcon are making swift progress with the goal of delivering the first megadock at the end of this year. 

Since the construction team arrived onsite, we've dredged 115,000 cubic yards of dirt from the pond, which is being used to form the land for the lower golf holes along the perimeter of the harbour. 50% of the sheetpiling has been installed along the shoreline, and the piling for the main walkway has been driven. They'll be starting the north fingers of the pier next. 

To see ongoing photos of construction, visit the photo album on the Christophe Harbour facebook page. 

Tags: st. kitts, superyacht marina, christophe harbour