
Christophe Harbour Blog

Christophe Harbour Launches in London

By Katherine Verano in Events, Real Estate

London opened its doors to Christophe Harbour at the Metropolitan Hotel, where the project officially launched its UK sales and marketing effort. In collaboration with Aylesford International, Christophe Harbour's UK broker affiliate, the Metropolitan's White Room was transformed into a Caribbean escape for the evening. With walls draped in white linens accented by candlelight, hurricanes full of tropical flowers, and a menu of Caribbean-themed canapes and beverages, the evening proved to be a great escape for a chilly London evening. 

London Launch

 I am happy to report we believe last nights event to be a success.  We had about 50 quality folks attend....and would say we will see 3 or 4 trips to St Kitts come from it. Some definite potential clients!  We made some significant contacts and will be following up with some of these folks today with one on one meetings.  I met the Russian and Venezuelan contacts for Aylesford at the event...and Robert, Martin, and I will be attending a cocktail party being hosted by our new Venezuela contact, Valentina Maduro, tonight in Belgravia. I am meeting with Michael Humford from Billionaire 500 today at 230....his group has many high net worth individuals he wants to refer to us...and he will be following up from last nights event with questions on citizenship and pricing details.  Martin has a follow up w a client this afternoon...and Robert and I will be meeting a potential referral source early this evening.

We also met with Joe and Ed from Doonbeg for breakfast this morning....Brian Shaw did attend the event last night with his above colleagues but could not make breakfast ( what a character he is!!!) And we exchanged many good ideas on marketing and cross promotion.  We will work w Katherine and our Aylesford affiliates in London to assure solid follow up.  Have a great day,  Brian

Sales Director Brian Gooding was on hand to introduce Christophe Harbour to the 50+ guests and journalists in attendance and reports that many of the guests are already booking trips to visit Christophe Harbour and tour the site. 

The UK market continues to show great interest in Christophe Harbour, and it was an incredible thrill to introduce the project in London. We're looking forward to welcoming these folks to St. Kitts very soon. 

London Launch