
Christophe Harbour Blog

Christophe Harbour Design Review Board Takes Shape

By Katherine Verano in Real Estate

Part of the appeal of owning in a resort community such as Christophe Harbour is not only knowing that a long-term vision exists, but that the developer is taking the extra effort to ensure that every home, every cul-de-sac, every hotel , and every club facility is created with that vision in mind.

So it is at Christophe Harbour that the Design Review Board (DRB) has officially started operations. The Christophe Harbour DRB enlists a wealth of expertise from Kiawah Island to St. Kitts. Members of the DRB include Christophe Harbour COO LeGrand Elebash, Project Coordinator Robert Morris, Landscape Architect Spencer Nash, Architect John Haley, St. Kitts and Nevis Minister of Planning Victor Williams, Project Manager Newell Shanklin, and Kiawah Island ARB Director Amanda Mole. Amanda is acting manager of the Christophe Harbour DRB, and Newell Shanklin is coordinating efforts on the ground in St. Kitts.

The Christophe Harbour DRB has already approved one home at 3 Silver Moon Lane. Vertical construction of that home is already visible, as the homeowners expect to spend Christmas there. Several other homes are awaiting design review and approval.  As homes receive approval and construction begins, Sandy Bank Bay will begin to take shape.For more information on the Christophe Harbour Design Review Board, please contact Amanda Mole at 843.768.3419 or [email protected]