
Christophe Harbour Blog

First Home Ready for Construction

By Katherine Verano in Events, Real Estate

At the height of the Caribbean season, Christophe Harbour recently celebrated another milestone in its steady development on 2,500 acres at the southeast peninsula of St. Kitts. A crowd of media, government officials, local contractors, builders, and the homeowners’ families gathered at Sandy Bank Bay on Thursday, March 19 to break ground on the first home at Christophe Harbour. The honorable Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas and David DiRienzo, President of RAZO Inc. Construction turned the first shovels of soil at 3 Silver Moon Lane, where the home will soon take shape. RAZO Inc., a construction firm from Canada, will be using local sub-contractors in landscaping, architecture, and other fields. The home is expected to be completed by Christmas 2009.  The St. Kitts &...

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Christophe Harbour January Events

By Katherine Verano in Community, Events, Real Estate

January proved to be an action-packed month kicking off a series of Christophe Harbour-hosted events in major cities along the Eastern Coast of the US.

Founding Members, John and Lisa Snodgrass, graciously opened their home for the first event of the year held in Atlanta on January 14 for an intimate gathering of 15 friends.

The following evening Christophe Harbour hosted an event held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, in New York City on January 15, where there were 35 guests in attendance.

The Miami event, held January 30 at the home of Mr. Larry Levy, featured food selections prepared by celebrity chef, Michelle Bernstein, of Michy’s and the newly opened Sra. Martinez. Both restaurants are in partnership with...

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Christophe Harbour Welcomes First Yachts

By Katherine Verano in Real Estate, Yachting

A choppy economy did not prevent a collection of luxury yachts from navigating Caribbean waters to attend the festive “Crew Rendezvous” event in St. Kitts in December 2008. They came by sea to preview plans for the new mega-yacht harbour and marina at the developing Christophe Harbour luxury resort in St. Kitts.

Yacht owners, crews, government officials, members of the St. Kitts-Nevis business community, other special guests, and top management from Christophe Harbour’s development company converged on the Whitehouse Bay and Turtle Beach areas of St. Kitts on Thursday, December 11. Six yachts from around the globe dropped anchor in the sparkling blue waters of the bay at the southeastern end of St. Kitts. Yacht owners and crews joined other...

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