
Christophe Harbour Blog

Vision Quest: For one Christophe Harbour Member Compassion is 20/20.

By Katherine Verano in Christophe Harbour Foundation, Community, St. Kitts

The climate, the colors, and the fabulous vistas of St. Kitts can inspire us to do a great many things: hike lush trails, dive the deep, blue sea, picnic on the beach. It might even inspire us to change lives. Thanks to the generous spirit and surgical talent of one Christophe Harbour member, the future looks brighter for some very grateful children. Dr. Veronique Jotterand, a board certified pediatric ophthalmologist and strabismus surgeon, and her husband built the very first home at Christophe Harbour in 2009. Last year, upon meeting Dr. Patrick Martin, St. Kitts Chief Medical Officer, she was asked to examine a child with an eye problem that posed a diagnostic dilemma to local physicians. With more than two decades of experience through...

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Game. Set. Match. The newest Christophe Harbour amenity

By Katherine Verano in Adventure, Community, Wellness

Christophe Harbour Members and guests can now enjoy a little friendly competition on our newest amenity. Our new AGILE turf tennis court is a short walk from The Pavilion beach club and from our private Caribbean residences in Sandy Bank Bay. It's been fun watching our Members play and even more fun seeing them discuss the results of their "friendly" wagers over a winning Marpo cocktail at The Pavilion bar post-match. 

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Welcoming The Order of St. Michael and St. George to Christophe Harbour

By Katherine Verano in

We were beyond thrilled to host the members of the Order of St. Michael and St. George at The Pavilion this week. The distinguished guests met at Christophe Harbour where they had lunch with His Excellency the Governor General, Sir Edmund Lawrence and Right Honourable Prime Minister, Dr. Denzil L. Douglas. Click to view photos from the luncheon.

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Thanks for the Superyacht Marina plug.

By Katherine Verano in

We enjoyed meeting sailors Mike and Rebecca on their recent stop in St. Kitts and Whitehouse Bay. They gave the Christophe Harbour marina a shout-out on their blog. Thanks guys. We'll see you again soon.

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Aged Caribbean Rum Now Available at The Pavilion

By admin in

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